Some City Lines and a Few Clouds

There are some interesting shapes and lines to be found outside King’s Cross Station in London. All you have to do is look up. The area around the station (and the adjacent St Pancras) is being gentrified, although that is not what these pictures are about.  Presented here in glowing(?) monochrome!

Apartment Building

DSC_9240aLines and Squares – frontage of a fairly new apartment building.

Old and New

DSC_0071bContrasting architectural styles – fairly old and fairly new..,

And with Clouds

DSC_5590bbIt’s not all about the the lines of the buildings – the cloud adds an abstract irregular shape.


DSC_0075abSome signage – and a trace of a cloud, along with a vapour trail – to go with the station canopy.

Nearby St Pancras

DSC_0128aAnd nearby – actually across the street – is the Gothic grandeur of St Pancras Station

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